speed server - Ältere IN531K4MPF Welten - Inselkampf Community

25.09.2024, 20:10 UTC+2

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23.04.2007, 21:04

speed server

Hello :)

when will the next speed server be about? also could we get emails about the next one? i get emails (in german) about the other servers but not the speed server.


ps i used to be called pureone




23.04.2007, 21:36

Hi pureone,

there's no schedule about another speedy yet.
Usually Speedserver launches are subject of special events such as public holidays, launch of new common servers or similar events widely joined by major parts of the community.
None of them is about to happen at the moment.

Gali will let us know about those plans in time for sure.
If so, I'd be glad to invite you as well.

Best regards - Mike




25.04.2007, 23:11

thats a shame :(

couldnt you set up for the weekend or something? :)

everyone loves the speed servers ;)
i havent been able to play one for ages :(




25.04.2007, 23:13

not everyone...

you need a lot of time - and if there aren't holidays or s.th. else, it's to much stress for the main part of the community...

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