Newbie advice please - Welt 12 - Inselkampf Community

25.09.2024, 09:38 UTC+2

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Registrierungsdatum: 08.10.2021

Beiträge: 4

Geschlecht: Weiblich

Wohnort: United Kingdom


08.10.2021, 12:21

Newbie advice please

I used to play the original Inselkampf on World 1 and then World 2 and stumbled upon this new version a couple of days ago. I only just got access to the forum today so I'm only just finding out how this differs to the original game.

Can anyone give me a bit of a fast track to the game/Server 12 and am I actually wasting my time a bit having not joined at the start? (I'm happy to play and familiarise myself with the game again).

I feel like everyone else might have been playing this for a while on the various servers and I'm a bit out of my league in terms of familiarity.

Edit: I should make clear that I have read through the forum posts and read the rules, it's more things like:
how long does newbie protection last?
Can I join an alliance?

There seems to be a winning senario?
Is there anything else you can tell me about sever 12 that would be helpful?

Is there a best way to level up quickly? I've been focusing on raw materials but it's slow going.



Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Defiant« (08.10.2021, 13:15)



Registrierungsdatum: 10.03.2021

Beiträge: 1

Geschlecht: Männlich

Wohnort: Europa


08.10.2021, 14:01

Newbie protection: Starting island cant be colonised by other players
win condition: alliance (up to 10 players) that controls the majority of the islands in ocean 5 (out of 800 islands) wins
there is a catch up mechanic for newly joined players, so you shouldnt be too far behind
Can I join an alliance?
Sure, as long as the alliance isnt full (max 10 players)
Is there a best way to level up quickly? I've been focusing on raw materials but it's slow going.
Yes, the beginning can be rather slow, alsthough this server is quicker than s11. Focusing on upping mines seems to be the best early strat, as unpopulated islands have variying degrees of defense on this server, so rushing your fleet early to farm those isnt as viable anymore compared to previous servers.



Registrierungsdatum: 08.10.2021

Beiträge: 4

Geschlecht: Weiblich

Wohnort: United Kingdom


08.10.2021, 14:29

Thanks very much Vrael,
I was just contacted by an admin earlier today and given a new island that's more developed as I just missed out apparently on getting one.

So I'm a lot further ahead than I was.

Okay, so is there a good level to get mines too before starting on other stuff?

Is it still Fortress to L10 before you can build ships?

Thanks again, I appreciate it. :)



Registrierungsdatum: 23.03.2010

Beiträge: 110


08.10.2021, 15:02

Is it still Fortress to L10 before you can build ships?

See here:



Registrierungsdatum: 08.10.2021

Beiträge: 4

Geschlecht: Weiblich

Wohnort: United Kingdom


08.10.2021, 15:35




Registrierungsdatum: 06.10.2021

Beiträge: 6

Geschlecht: Männlich

Wohnort: US


02.11.2021, 18:12

How are cannons and gun-toting warships built? I have all the requirements based on the tree above, and have researched cannons, but do not understand how to build them.



Registrierungsdatum: 30.03.2021

Beiträge: 35

Geschlecht: Männlich

Wohnort: Ozean 2


02.11.2021, 18:32

How are cannons and gun-toting warships built? I have all the requirements based on the tree above, and have researched cannons, but do not understand how to build them.

It is a bit different from the tree shown here. You need Research Lab 15 + Cannon 10 to build them. You also don't need the shipyard anymore. They are being built in the Research Lab.

Edit: You find an updated tech tree in the help section in the game:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Izo_S11« (02.11.2021, 18:45)



Registrierungsdatum: 07.11.2021

Beiträge: 1

Geschlecht: Männlich

Wohnort: North America


13.11.2021, 21:17


Does anyone have any advice to new players to avoid being looted by stronger players when they are just starting up? I have been trying to build up my island but I just recently found the game so the players around me are significantly ahead of me. I tried to build up defenses and army but they were not even close to helping.

I understand that this is kind of the purpose of the game and am assuming that i am kinda screwed but thought i would ask anyways



Registrierungsdatum: 30.03.2021

Beiträge: 35

Geschlecht: Männlich

Wohnort: Ozean 2


13.11.2021, 21:39


Does anyone have any advice to new players to avoid being looted by stronger players when they are just starting up? I have been trying to build up my island but I just recently found the game so the players around me are significantly ahead of me. I tried to build up defenses and army but they were not even close to helping.

I understand that this is kind of the purpose of the game and am assuming that i am kinda screwed but thought i would ask anyways

Yea that’s indeed not the best situation for you :)
The only thing I have in mind is to actively spend the resources that no one can get something from you (some additional levels of warehouse might help here) plus permanent building of units and some levels of barricade. Only when you are able to do damage to the attacker in combination with no looting success might lead to a stop of the attacking.

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